radiological Isotopes:
The RBTX staff has directly participated in the design, development, coordination, and facilitation of 26 exercises involving radiological source materials and their potential risks to Federal, State, local, and private sector entities. Those exercises resulted in the training of over 3,000 Federal, State, local, and private sector law enforcement, radiological, and emergency response personnel. Exercise scenarios would frequently examine malevolent attempts by disgruntled employees and / or terrorists to access dangerous radioisotopes (frequently Cesium-137 or Cobalt-60) by defeating what was often state-of-the-art security mechanisms; to seize the radioisotopes; and frequently to weaponize the radioisotope by creating a radiological dispersal device (RDD) or a radiological exposure device (RED). Exercise scenarios would frequently include the detonation of an RDD or the placement of an RED in a public location to allow for exercise play by Radiological Safety Officers and public health officials. Tabletop exercise scenarios would frequently target blood irradiators in hospitals and research irradiators in both hospitals and BioSafety Level 2, 3, and 4 facilities as the source of the radioisotopes.
Blood and research irradiators containing Cesium-137 and Cobalt-60