energy industry:
Our Nation’s critical infrastructures and key resources are a highly complex, heterogeneous, and interdependent mix of facilities, systems, and functions that are vulnerable to a wide variety of threats. Failure in one asset or infrastructure can cascade to disruption or failure in others, and the combined effect could prompt far-reaching consequences affecting government, the economy, public health and safety, national security, and public confidence. Perhaps this is most true of the nation’s energy industry – including electrical, oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy.
Energy Industry’s complex interdependencies
The RBTX staff has personally designed, developed, coordinated, and facilitated some ten energy exercises that have collectively resulted in the training of some 1,070 Federal, State, local, and private sector law enforcement, security, and emergency response personnel. Exercise scenarios have included malevolent terrorist attacks that have targeted the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline System (TAPS) and Valdez Marine Terminal in Alaska; Cushing Crude Oil Terminal in Cushing, Oklahoma; BP Amoco Refinery in Texas City, Texas; Strategic Petroleum Reserve in Bryan Mound, Texas; Celilo Converter Station in Celilo, Oregon; and the North-South Direct Current Intertie stretching from Oregon to Southern California. Energy scenarios have also focused on the effects of natural hazards including hurricanes, tornadoes, ice storms, and flooding.
Trans-Alaskan Pipeline System (TAPS) Valdez Marine Terminal